Transferred by company
When your company decides to transfer you to another country there are many thing to consider. Will the company find and finance housing. Will your moving expenses be paid for. Will health insurance for my entire family be covered. Are there Visa requirements for the country I am being transferred to. How will my taxes be paid. Do I get travel reimbursements and paid vacations. Always make sure you salary is agreed upon before making the move.
Finding work abroad
Find out as much about the country you choose to move in advance. Find out what job sectors are on the upswing. Have a professional CV/resume that is a complete record of your previous jobs and skills. Make yourself as marketable as possible. Besides english have the resume professionally translated to the proper language. Apply for work visas before you make your move, this is done at your embassy or consulate. Apply for jobs that only match your skill set. Contact temp agencies and placements agencies, all of this can be done before you move.